Tuesday, 19 March 2019

AC Power and UPS

Why is it needed?
Any high end and most advanced infrastructure equipment have to work on electricity basically so no matter how niche the equipment it, proper power management system is very important for the equipment to function well and as expected. If the power solution is not designed properly there might be outages in the network due to power fluctuation. Generally the power that comes in from the Grid comes as AC. For that to be suitable to the IT equipment in our data centers, we need DC power. We also need backup power generation mechanism in case the grid fails. For all this we need a very good UPS and it should be able to take over instantly.

Our power management system is so advanced that it manages and monitors the UPS installed and we have also got systems that manage power rack wise separately. These solutions are so resilient that you will not feel a pinch even if the entire grid goes down for over 24 hours. So you can relax and sit back once you have installed and setup our solution.

We are partnered with product manufacturers like Emerson (Liebert), APC (Schneider) and CyberPower for the power management equipment like UPS, generators and other supporting equipment.

The Components
Desktop and Workstation UPS

The need for a UPS is very high and critical for desktops as compared to a laptop as the desktop don’t have inbuilt power management system for a backup if in case the main power supply switches off due to some unexpected reason. So if the power goes off and there is no backup power, the data that is not saved while an associate is working would be lost and it might also cause a big monetary loss to the business based on the kind of data being processed. Hence Desktop UPS helps protecting data at a workstation level and we can use this solution either if we want some machines to have an extra backup in a huge infrastructure or we have small business and we don’t need a network level UPS.

Rack Mount UPS

Rack Mount UPS are majorly used in Datacenters where certain racks need special attention as they might be hosting the most critical business data and the uptime expected for such server is comparatively higher than the other servers. The key features of a Rack Mount UPS are :

    Line Interactive technology
    Higher AC input range
    Protects the rack from voltage fluctuations, short circuit and overcharging of batteries.
    These UPS are also compatible with generators mostly.

So all these features and the requirement of the business calls for a rack mount UPS at the correct places just to be sure that there is a backup mechanism when the main UPS fails.

Network UPS

Network UPS is generally used in a Non rack environment and the best solution when you have a lot of scattered equipment and have to supply backup power to all the equipment from a single point. It provides power to all the equipment ranging from desktops, servers, routers, firewalls and other IT equipment. APC Smart UPS, Liebert GXT series and there are few more excellent network UPS.

The key features of Network UPS are:

    Single or multiple phase online UPS
    Easy installation
    Centralized management of power to the entire system
    Provides generator’s capability
    Wider range of input voltage

All these rich features make the Network UPS a perfect option where we don’t have the rack environment and still looking to provide backup power as well as DC power to the equipment.

Battery Monitoring System (BMS)

Battery Monitoring System monitors the voltage, temperature, charge status, health status, coolant flow and current in the battery. So a good battery monitoring system means better management. Our solution integrates a battery monitoring system in the power management so that the engineers are aware when a battery is about to fail or malfunctions. This also helps them take proactive measures and in timely maintenance as we know the status of the batteries any time and we can act accordingly if required.

UPS Monitoring System

A UPS monitoring system collects the data from UPS and also generates alarms whenever the UPS starts to malfunction. The systems can also connect over TCP/ IP remotely now so it can be a remote monitoring system too hence one system can monitor multiple UPS. Our solution also provides UPS monitoring system as a part of power management solution.

Large Facility UPS

A large Facility UPS is nothing but mother of all UPS to put it in simplest termsJ. Now to get to the technical part of it, it has capacity to manage the whole datacenter from a single set of equipment. However for resilience dual UPS solution is recommended so that if one fails another can takeover. These UPS provide power up to the range of Mega Watt and generally directly connected to the Grid and based on the requirement and the budget we can connect them to the main power line coming into the Data Center.

These are usually deployed in Huge Data Centers or big corporate offices where the users work on hundreds of machines simultaneously and to provide backup to them we need larger devices.

So as we saw the power management systems are the same old systems anymore. These are highly advanced, reliable and improved power management systems that also provide proactive monitoring and diagnosis of the power equipment we use in the environment.

Source : http://aboveinfranet.com/solutions/it-infrastructure-company/power-management-ac-power-ups/

Load Balance metode NTH

Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi khususnya dalam bidang internet, banyak sekali bermunculan Internet Provider (ISP). Dan tidak bisa dipungkiri untuk saat ini kebutuhan akan internet merupakan sebuah kebutuhan yang pokok. Mulai dari akses informasi sampai jual-beli online sudah menjadi hal biasa.

Karena didorong oleh banyaknya permintaan dari masyarakat akan koneksi internet, maka banyak perusahaan internet provider berlomba-lomba memberikan layanan dan juga produk yang terbaik. Dan tak khayal saat ini banyak tawaran untuk koneksi internet dengan harga yang semakin terjangkau.

Dan bahkan mungkin diantara kita juga ada yang berlangganan service internet lebih dari satu provider. Nah, dengan multiple gateway ini cukup penting dalam sisi management sehingga koneksi internet yang kita miliki bisa berjalan secara optimal untuk masing-masing link. Salah satu metode yang paling banyak digunakan adalah dengan cara load balace. Dari load balance sendiri ada beberpa mekanisme yang bisa digunakan antara lain ECMP (Equal-Cost Multiple Path), NTH, PCC (Per-Connection Classifier).

Pada artikel sebelumnya telah kita bahas metode ECMP & PCC, dan supaya lebih lengkap kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai load balance dengan NTH.

Apa itu NTH?

NTH sendiri adalah sebuah fitur pada firewall yang digunakan sebagai penghitung (counter) dari paket data atau koneksi (packet new). Ada dua parameter utama dari NTH ini, yaitu "Every" dan "Packet".

"Every" merupakan parameter penghitung (counter) sedangkan "Packet" adalah penunjuk paket keberapa rule dari NTH ini akan dijalankan. Dengan demikian penggunaan NTH ini dilakukan denganmengaktifkan counter pada mangle, kemudian ditandai dengan 'Route-Mark'. Sehingga dengan route mark ini digunakan sebagai dasar untuk membuat policy route.

Konfigurasi NTH

Kita akan mencoba melakukan konfigurasi load balance menggunakan metode NTH. Seperti pada topologi dibawah ini, kita memiliki dua gateway untuk koneksi ke internet.

Berdasarkan mekanisme NTH, untuk topologi diatas setiap trafik/paket data yang lewat akan dibagi menjadi 1 dan 2. Kemudian untuk link ISP-A akan digunakan untuk jalur paket 1 dan link ISP-B akan digunakan untuk jalur paket 2.

Langkah, pertama kita akan buat rule mangle terlebih dahulu untuk membuat routing-mark berdasarkan parameter NTH. Masuk ke menu IP --> Firewall --> Mangle. Tambahkan rule seperti berikut.

/ip firewall mangle
add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting in-interface=ether5 new-connection-mark=conn-1 nth=2,1
add action=mark-connection chain=prerouting in-interface=ether5 new-connection-mark=conn-2 nth=2,2
add action=mark-routing chain=prerouting connection-mark=conn-1 new-routing-mark=jalur-1 passthrough=no
add action=mark-routing chain=prerouting connection-mark=conn-2 new-routing-mark=jalur-2 passthrough=no

Setelah membuat mangle, kita akan mengatur policy routing untuk menentukan jalur trafik ke masing-masing gateway.

/ip route
add distance=1 gateway= routing-mark=jalur-1
add distance=1 gateway= routing-mark=jalur-2
add distance=1 gateway=,

Pada routing diatas terdapat 3 default gateway. Untuk gateway baris 1 dan 2 merupakan gateway untuk trafik dari LAN di ether5, sedangkan baris ke 3 merupakan gateway untuk trafik selain dari LAN (misal, trafik local process).

Source : http://mikrotik.co.id/artikel_lihat.php?id=195