Tuesday, 8 March 2016

How to Create Virtual Disks Greater than 2GB in Xenserver

I have worked out an unsupported solution to this. This worked on a XenServer 5.5.0 Update 2 "cluster". 4 XenServers, each with 32G RAM and dual quad-core 2.3Ghz processors.

This method has only briefly been tested, is not in production, and I take no responsibility for it causing your system to explode should you try to replicate these steps.

I am also very concerned about what may happen if we (or you) upgrade to XenServer "5.6.0" (or whatever the next version will be).

If a Citrite guru could chime in on the dangers of this process and the harm that may happen during future upgrades, I would love to hear your thoughts.

*+Begin by finding the uuid of the SR:+
root@xen1~]# xe sr-list \\ uuid ( RO) : b55e5f09-8fef-4b5d-8dae-9410d630f205 \\ name-label ( RW): SATA_7.2K 20T \\ name-description ( RW): Hardware HBA SR \\ host ( RO): <shared> \\ type ( RO): lvmohba \\ content-type ( RO):

* Get the volume group device name:
root@xen1 ~]# vgs | awk '{print $1}' | grep b55e5f09-8fef-4b5d-8dae-9410d630f205

* Create the new logical volume, with a proper name:
Change 3T to 4T or 5T (etc) to specify the size of your giant VDI
root@xen1 ~]# lvcreate -L3T -n"LV-"$(uuidgen) VG_XenStorage-b55e5f09-8fef-4b5d-8dae-9410d630f205
Logical volume "LV-4e3da1e4-9e1a-4e12-96a1-d3c233efc0d5" created

* Tell XenServer to scan the SR
root@xen1 ~]# xe sr-scan uuid=b55e5f09-8fef-4b5d-8dae-9410d630f205

* *+After scanning the SR+*, the new VDI magically appeared under the Storage tab for this SR in XenCenter. I then gave it a name and description, and assigned it to a VM just like any other VDI.

Source : https://joetutorials.wordpress.com/2015/06/03/how-to-create-virtual-disks-greater-than-2gb-in-xenserver/

Monday, 7 March 2016

Finding all files containing a text string on Linux

You can use grep -ilR:

grep -Ril "text-to-find-here" /
  • i stands for ignore case (optional in your case).
  • R stands for recursive.
  • l stands for "show the file name, not the result itself".
  • / stands for starting at the root of your machine.