Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Membuat IVR (interactive voice responses) di Asterisk

1. merekam suara IVR dengan menggunakan software pengolah suara, misalnya : audacity
download audacity
misal suaranya berbunyi :
“selamat datang di layanan voip UBS, tekan nomer extention yang anda inginkan atau
tekan 9002 untuk mengetahui jam saat ini
tekan 9003 untuk mendengarkan lagu yogya
tekan 9004 untuk bantuan operator
tekan 9005 untuk Cabang A
tekan 9006 untuk Cabang B “
2. simpan dalam format .wav (dalam contoh ivr.wav)

3. lakukan konversi suara ke format .gsm (dalam contoh ivr.gsm), dengan menggunakan software sox [saya menggunakan yang versi linux]
a. download software sox
b. configure
# cd /usr/local/src/
# tar xvzf sox-14.3.0.tar.gz
# cd sox-14.3.0
# ./configure
c.lakukan konversi
# sox ivr.wav -r 8000 -c1 ivr.gsm resample -ql
d. untuk convert sekumpulan mp3 ke gsm
# vi mp32gsm
for I in $(ls -1 *.mp3)
echo “Converting from mp3.wav”
mpg123 -w “$NAME.wav” “$NAME”
echo “Converting from wav to gsm”
sox -t wav “$NAME.wav” -r 8000 -c1 -t gsm “$NAME.gsm” resample -ql
echo “output filename: $NAME.gsm”
# chmod a+x mp32gsm
# ./mp32gsm
4. hasil konversi disimpan ke /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
# cp ivr01.gsm /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/
5. melakukan konfigurasi extension.conf
# vi /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
; ivr
Exten => 001,1,Answer()
Exten => 001,2,Background(ivr)
exten => 001,3,Background(silence/3)
exten => 001,4,Goto(2)
artinya :
baris 1 : jika ada user mendial 001 maka prioritas pertama adalah dijawab
baris 2 : jika tidak dijawab akan ada suara rekaman ‘ivr’ kita yang bunyinya seperti diatas
baris 3 : silence selama 3 dial tone
baris 4 : ulangi ke baris 2
6. reload asterisk
# asterisk -vvvr
linux*CLI> reload
linux*CLI> exit

Source :

Subdomain Forbidden 403

salah permission

masih tidak bisa
"chown diskonjc:diskonjc public_html/

sudah bisa
"chown diskonjc:nobody public_html/"

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Reset BIOS hp dc5000 sff (pv607uc)

Resetting the Password Jumper

1. Shut down the operating system properly, then turn off the computer and any external devices, and disconnect the power cord from the power outlet.
2. With the power cord disconnected, press the power button again to drain the system of any residual power. WARNING: To reduce the risk of personal injury from electrical shock and/or hot surfaces, be sure to disconnect the power cord from the wall outlet, and allow the internal system components to cool before touching. CAUTION: When the computer is plugged in, the power supply always has voltage applied to the system board even when the unit is turned off. Failure to disconnect the power cord can result in damage to the system. CAUTION: Static electricity can damage the electronic components of the computer or optional equipment. Before beginning these procedures, ensure that you are discharged of static electricity by briefly touching a grounded metal object. See the Safety & Regulatory Information guide on the Documentation and Diagnostics CD for more information.

3. Remove the computer cover or access panel.
4. Locate the header and jumper.  The password jumper is green so that it can be easily identified.
5. Remove the jumper from pins 1 and 2. Place the jumper on either pin 1 or 2, but not both, so that it does not get lost. You can hold it in your hand if you want, too.  :smileyhappy:
6. Replace the computer cover or access panel.
7. Reconnect the external equipment.

8. Plug in the computer and turn on power. Allow the operating system to start. This clears the current passwords and disables the password features.
9. To establish new passwords, repeat steps 1 through 4, replace the password jumper on pins 1 and 2, then repeat steps 6 through 8. Establish the new passwords in Computer Setup. Refer to the Computer Setup (F10) Utility Guide on the Documentation and Diagnostics CD for Computer Setup instructions.
